鳥居塚 南1, 上原 由理香1, 長谷川 守文1, 渡辺 卓穂, 鎗田 孝1
分析化学誌, (2024) 73 (4.5), 185-191. https://doi.org/10.2116/bunsekikagaku.73.185
動物実験代替法とNew Approach Methodologiesの開発・利用動向
第Ⅲ編 医療機器業界 第4章 医療機器の生物学的安全性評価における細胞毒性試験
(書籍 シーエムシー出版 東京), (2023)
Laboratory Performance Study of the Japanese Official Method to Detect Genetically Modified Papaya Line PRSV-Y
Norihito SHIBATA1,Toshiaki NAKASAKA, Jumpei NARUSHIMA1, Chie TAGUCHI1, Miyu SUGINO1, Satoko YOSHIBA1, Keisuke SOGA1, Michika KAJIWARA, Takaho WATANABE, Kazunari KONDO1, 2
食品衛生学雑誌, (2024) 65 (3), 61-66. https://doi.org/10.3358/shokueishi.65.61
The inter-laboratory validation study of EpiSensA for predicting skin sensitization potential
Mizumachi H1, Watanabe M, Ikezumi M, Kajiwara M, Yasuda M, Mizuno M2 , Imai N2, Sakuma M2, Shibata M2, Watanabe S2, Motoyama J3 , Basketter D4, Eskes C5, Hoffmann S6, Lehmann DM7, Ashikaga T8 , Sozu T9, Takeyoshi M10, Suzuki S1, Miyazawa M1, Kojima H8
J. Appl. Toxicol., 2024 Apr;44(4):510-525. doi: 10.1002/jat.4559. Epub 2023 Oct 28..
片岡洋平1, 六鹿元雄1, 阿部智之2, 阿部 裕1, 牛山温子3, 内山陽介4, 大野浩之5, 大橋公泰6, 風間貴充7, 木村亜莉沙8, 小林保志9, 近藤翠1, 佐藤環10, 座間俊輔11, 高橋良幸12, 竹澤有紗13, 田中葵14, 照井善光15, 永井慎一郎16, 野村千枝17, 花澤耕太郎18, 早川雅人19, 平林尚之, 藤吉智治20, 堀田沙希21, 宮川弘之22, 村山悠子23, 四柳道代1, 渡辺一成24, 佐藤恭子1
食品衛生学雑誌, (2023) 64(4), 154-160. https://doi.org/10.3358/shokueishi.64.154
Bidirectional effects of voluntary exercise on the expression of Bdnf isoforms in the hippocampus of Hatano rat strains displaying different activity levels.
Chiba S1, Asano H2, Moriya S3, Hatakeyama T2,4, Kobayashi S2,4, Ohta R, Kawaguchi M2
Neuropsychopharmacol. Rep., 2023 Jan 17. doi: 10.1002/npr2.12313. Online ahead of print.
片岡洋平1, 六鹿元雄1, 阿部智之2, 阿部 裕1, 安藤景子3, 石原絹代4, 牛山温子5, 内山陽介6 大坂郁恵7, 大野浩之8, 風間貴充9, 木村亜莉沙10, 佐藤 環11, 高橋良幸12, 田中 葵13, 棚橋高志14, 谷 拓哉15, 照井善光16, 外岡大幸17, 永井慎一郎18, 野村千枝19, 花澤耕太郎20, 羽石奈穂子21, 早川雅人22, 平林尚之, 藤吉智治23, 四柳道代1, 渡辺一成24, 佐藤恭子1
日本食品化学学会誌, (2022) 29(3), 134-145
Carbon monoxide combined with artificial blood cells acts as an antioxidant for tissues thermally-damaged by dye laser irradiation
Rikihisa N1, Shimanouchi K2, Saito Y, Sakai H3, Mitsukawa N4
Burns, 2022 Mar 19; S0305-4179(22)00063-8. doi: 10.1016/j.burns.2022.03.009.
Possible effects of voluntary exercise intensity on anxiety-like behavior and its underlying molecular mechanisms in the hippocampus: Results from a study in Hatano rats
Asano H1, Moriya S2, Hatakeyama T1,3, Kobayashi S1,3, Akimoto T1, Ohta R, Kawaguchi M1
Behav. Brain Res., 2022 Jun 3: 427:113854. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2022.113854. Epub 2022 Mar 19.
Artificial red blood cells increase large vessel wall damage and decrease surrounding dermal tissue damage in a rabbit auricle model after subsequent flashlamp-pumped pulsed-dye laser treatment
Shimanouchi K1, Rikihisa N2, Saito Y, Iuchi K3, Tsumura N3, Sakai H4, Mitsukawa N5
J. Dermatol., (2021): 48(5), 600-612. doi: 10.1111/1346-8138.15805. Epub 2021 Feb 25.
Rapeseed (canola) oil aggravates metabolic syndrome-like conditions in male but not in female stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP)
Nishikawa M1, Ohara N1, Naito Y2, Saito Y, Amma C1, Tatematsu K3, Baoyindugurong J4, Miyazawa D1, Hashimoto Y5, Okuyama H1
Toxicol. Rep. 2022 Feb 7;9:256-268. doi: 10.1016/j.toxrep.2022.01.011. eCollection 2022.
Dietary rapeseed (canola) oil suppresses testosterone production and increases plasma aldosterone level in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP)
Nishikawa M1, Ohara N1, Naito Y2, Amma C1, Saito Y, Tatematsu K3, Baoyindugurong J4, Miyazawa D1, Hashimoto Y5, Okuyama H1
Fundam. Toxicol. Sci., (2022): 9, 7-16
皮膚感作性試験代替法 Interleukin-8 Reporter Gene Assay(IL-8 Luc assay)評価報告
小島幸一, 足利太可雄1, 安達玲子1, 佐藤一博2, 瀬崎拓人3, 武吉正博4, 福山朋季5
AATEX-JaCVAM, (2021): 10(1), 49-68
Effect of tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate on epididymal sperm parameters in adult male rats
Kobayashi S1,2, Kawano N3, Miyado K4, Ohta R, Akimoto T2, Hatakeyama T1,2, Kawaguchi M2
J. Vet. Med. Sci., (2022): 84, 153-156
Alterations between high and low-avoidance lines of Hatano ratsin learning behaviors, ultrasonic vocalizations, and histlogical characteristics in hippocampus and amygdala
Chiba S1, Okawara T2, Kawakami K2, Ohta R, Kawaguchi M2
Physiol. Behav., 2022 Mar 1;245:113670. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2021.113670.
Within- and between-laboratory reproducibility and predictive capacity of amino acid derivative reactivity assay (ADRA) using a 0.5 mg/mL test chemical solution: Results of the study for reproducibility confirmation implemented in five participating laboratories
Yamamoto Y1, Fujita M1, Watanabe S2, Yamaga H2, Wakabayashi K3, Tahara Y3, Horie N4, Fujimoto K4, Takeuchi K5, Kamiya K5, Kawakami T6, Kojima K, Sozu T7, Kojima H8, Kasahara T1, Ono A9
J Appl Toxicol, (2022): 42, 1078-1090
The within- and between-laboratories reproducibility and predictive capacity of Amino acid Derivative Reactivity Assay using 4 mM test chemical solution: Results of ring study implemented at five participating laboratories
Fujita M1, Yamamoto Y1, Wanibuchi S1, Watanabe S2, Yamaga H2, Wakabayashi K3, Tahara Y3, Horie N4, Fujimoto K4, Takeuchi K5, Kamiya K5, Kawakami T6, Kojima K, Sozu T7, Kojima H8, Kasahara T1, Ono A9
J Appl Toxicol, (2022): 42, 318-333
Fully hydrogenated canola oil extends lifespan in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats
Tatematsu K1, Miyazawa D2, Saito Y, Okuyama H2, Ohara N2
Lipids Health Dis., (2021): 20, 102, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12944-021-01540-7
Behavior of chemical respiratory sensitizers in in vitro methods for skin sensitization
Narita K, Okutomi H, Kawakami K, Sui H, Basketter D1, Ashikaga T2
AATEX, (2021): 26, 9-18
食品中の栄養成分検査の技能試験 (2017-2018)
食品衛生学雑誌、Vol.61 (2)、pp.63-71
3 昭和女子大学 生活科学部 食安全マネジメント学科
Novel toxicity of tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate in adult male rats
Kobayashi S1,2, Abe K2, Isobe A2, Nakayama A2, Akimoto T2, Hatakeyama T1,2, Saito Y, Yanagisawa R3, Koike E3, Suzuki N3, Kawaguchi M2, Ohta R
J Appl Toxicol, (2021) 41(6), 987-992
皮膚感作性試験代替法:ARE-Nrf2 luciferase LuSens Test Method
AATEX-JaCVAM, (2020) 9(1), 43-57
Maternal traits during lactation period reduce the anxiety-related behavior in male offspring:Results from a fostering study in Hatano rats
Horii Y1, Nakajima S1, Akieda-Asai S2, Ohta R, Kawaguchi R1
Physiol. Behav., (2021) Feb 1;229:113209.
The within- and between-laboratory reproducibility and predictive capacity of the in chemico amino acid derivative reactivity assay: Results of validation study implemented in four participating laboratories
Fujita M1, Yamamoto Y1, Watanabe S2, Sugawara T2, Wakabayashi K3, Tahara Y3, Horie N4, Fujimoto K4, Kusakari K5, Kurokawa Y5, Kawakami 66, Kojima K, Sozu T7, Nakayama T7, Kusao T7, Richmond J8, Nicole K9, Kim BH10, Kojima H11, Kasahara T1, Ono A12
J Appl Toxicol (2019): 39(11):1492-1505. doi: 10.1002/jat.3834. Epub 2019 Jul 17.
Multi-laboratory validation study of the vitrigel-eye irritancy test method as an alternative to in vivo eye irritation testing
Kojima H1, Yamaguchi H2, Sozu T3, Kleinstreuer N4, Chae-Hyung L5, Chen W6, Watanabe M, Fukuda T7,Yamashita K8, Takezawa T9
ATLA, (2019): 47, 140-157
Historical control data on developmental toxicity studies in rats
Kuwagata M, Sakai Y1, Tanaka S2, Takashima H3, Katagiri R4, Matsuoka T5, Noritake K6, Senuma M, Shimizu T7, Hojo H8, Ibi K9, Kudo S10, Oota T11, Ube M12, Miwa Y13, Kajita S14, Uesugi T15, Yabe K16, Tateishi T17, Nakano N18, Taniguchi T19, Yamashita A20, Hirano T21, Kirihata Y22, Sakai Y23, Nishizawa S27, Fujiwara M1, Mineshima H26, Horimoto M25, Ema M24
Congenit Anom Kyoto, (2019): 59, 125-131
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Biological evaluation and regulation of medical devices in Japan
Kojima K, Sakaguchi K1
Biocompatibility and Performance of Medical Devices, (2019): Woodhead Publishing; Second Edition
Hatano rats selectively bred for high- and low-avoidance learning: an overview
Ohta R, Kojima K
Exp. Anim., (2019): 68, 127-136
Effect of essential oils contained linalool on skin sensitization using human cell line activation test
Doi M1, 2, Watanabe M, Ariumi H1, Yoshiyama Y1
AATEX, (2019): 23, 9-15
Method for combined observation of serial sections of stented arteries embedded in resin by light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy
Isobe A1, Iwatani K1, Souba J1, Terao H1, Hagiwara H1, Kumagai F, Saito Y, Nagano K2, Tasaki M1
Toxicol Pathol, (2019): 47 (3), 401-407
Effects of pregnancy experience on ovarian senescence and longevity in Hatano rats bred for high- and low-avoidance learning
Ohta R, Ohmukai H
Exp. Gerontol., (2019): 117, 91-98
Enhancement of pesticide peak response in GC-MS in the presence of multiple co-existing reference pesticides
Yoshimitsu M1, Akutsu K1, Kitagawa Y1, Takatori S1, Fukui N1, Osakada M1, Yamaguchi S2, Namikawa M3, Ban S3, Okubo Y4, Nakashima R4, Maruyama R4, Kakutani N1, Miyamoto I1, Yamashita K5, Nishiyama T5, Shinto M6, Yamamoto N6, Takai Y7, Hinoshita K8, Kajimura K1, Obana H9, Watanabe T
Food Hyg. Saf. Sci., (2018): 59(3), 146-150
Comparison of assigned values from participants' results, spiked concentrations of test samples, and isotope dilution mass spectrometric results in proficiency testing for pesticide residue analysis
Yarita T1, Otake T1, Aoyagi Y1, Takasaka N, Suzuki T, Watanabe T
Journal of AOAC International, (2018): 101(4), 1199-1204
Development of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for analysis of total aflatoxins based on monoclonal antibody reactive with aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2
Yamazaki T1, 2, Miyake S2, 3, 4, Sato N, Hirakawa Y1, 2, Iwasa S5, Narita H1, Watanabe T
Food Hyg. Saf. Sci., (2018): 59(5), 200-205
Intravenous injection of artificial red cells and subsequent dye laser irradiation causes deep vessel impairment in an animal model of port-wine stain
Rikihisa N1, Tominaga M1, Watanabe S2, Mitsukawa N3, Saito Y, Sakai H4
Lasers Med Sci, (2018): 33(6), 1287-1293
Hatano rats are a suitable metabolic syndrome model for studying feeding behavior, blood pressure levels, and percent body fat
Isobe A1, Shimada T2, 3, Aburada M3, Yanagisawa R4, Sakawa T5, Nakamura T5, Himi TH3, Ohta R, Kawaguchi M1, 3
J. Vet. Med. Sci., (2019): 81 (1), 147-154
Male Hatano low-avoidance rats show more active sexual behavior with lower plasma testosterone than high-avoidance rats
Nakayama A1, Okawa H2, Zheng M3, 4, Pu S3, 4, Watanabe G3,4,5, Ohta R, Kawaguchi M1, 2
J. Vet. Med. Sci., (2018): 80(7), 1179-1182
Transferability and within- and between-laboratory reproducibilities of EpiSensA for predicting skin sensitization potential in vitro: A ring study in three laboratories
Mizumachi H1, Sakuma M2, Ikezumi M, Saito K1、Takeyoshi M2, Imai N2, Okutomi H, Umetsu A, Motohashi H, Watanabe M, Miyazawa M1
J Appl Toxicol (2018): 38(9), 1233-1243
Cause of and countermeasures for oxidation of the cysteine-derived reagent used in the amino acid derivative reactivity assay
Fujita M1, Yamamoto Y1, Watanabe S2, Sugawara T2, Wakabayashi K3, Tahara Y3, Horie N4, Fujimoto K4, Kusakari K5, Kurokawa Y5, Kawakami T6, Kojima K, Kojima H7, Ono A8, Katsuoka Y1, Tanabe H9, Yokoyama H9, Kasahara T1
J Appl Toxicol, (2019): 39(2), 191-208
Predictive performance and inter-laboratory reproducibility in assessing eye irritation potential of water- and oil-soluble mixtures using the Short Time Exposure test method
Abo T1, 2, Hilberer A3, Behle-Wagner C4, Watanabe M, Cameron D5, Kirst A6, Nukada Y7, Yuki T7, Araki D1, Sakaguchi H7, Itagaki H2
Toxicol In Vitro, (2018): 48, 78-85
ER STTA法:hERα-HeLa-9903細胞を用いたエストロゲン受容体恒常発現系転写活性化試験法の評価報告書
小野 宏、丸野内 棣1, 井口 泰泉2, 小野 敦3
AATEX-JaCVAM, (2017) Vol.6(1), pp.1-27
再構築ヒト角膜様上皮モデル法(Reconstructed Human Cornea-like Epithelium Test Method:RhCE法)の評価報告書
竹内小苗1, 小坂忠司2, 佐々木正治3, 森村智美、吉村 功4
AATEX-JaCVAM, (2017) Vol.6(1), pp.28-36
皮膚感作性試験human Cell Line Activation Test (h-CLAT)の評価報告
筒井尚久1, 安達玲子2, 金澤由基子, 小島幸一, 佐藤一博3, 武吉正博4, 森本隆史5
AATEX-JaCVAM, (2017) Vol.6(1), pp.37-50
生体吸収性材料の開発と安全性評価(書籍 技術情報協会 東京), (2017): 392-400
医療機器の細胞毒性試験とin vitro遺伝毒性試験
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Genetic variation in low-dose effects of neonatal DES exposure in female rats
Ohmukai H, Negura T, Tachibana S, Ohta R
Repro. Toxicol., (2017): 73, 322-327
Acute changes in histopathology and intravascular imaging after catheter-based renal denervation in a porcine model
Sakaoka A1, 2, Takami A3, Onimura Y1, Hagiwara H1, Terao H1, Kumagai F, Matsumura K2
Catheter. Cardiovasc. Interv., (2017): 90, 631-638
Oral mucosal irritatrion study in hamster to evaluate a therapeutic apparatus using hydrogen peroxide photolysis for periodontitis treatment
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Regul. toxicol. Pharmacol., (2017): 90, 206-213
クリーンテクノロジー, Vol. 27, No. 9, 14-18
Permeability of skin to silver nanoparticles after epidermal skin barrier disruption in rats
Kuwagata M, Kumagai F, Saito Y, Higashisaka K1, Yoshioka Y1, 2, Tsutsumi Y1
Funsdam. Toxicol. Sci., (2017): 4 (3), 109-119
Artificial red blood cells as potential photosensitizers in dye laser treatment against port-wine stains
Rikihisa N1, Watanabe S2, Saito Y, Sakai H3
J. Funct. Biomater., (2017): 8 (14): doi:10.3390/jfb8020014
Evaluation of the matrix-like effect in multiresidue pesticide analysis by gas chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry
Akutsu K1, Yoshimitsu M1, Kitagawa Y1, Takatori S1, Fukui N1, Osakada M1, Yamaguchi S1, Kajimura K1, Obana H1, Watanabe T
J. Sep. Sci., (2017): 40 (6), 1298-1300
Normal Ovarian Aging, but Modified T-cell Differentiation, in Female Mice following Neonatal Exposure to Bisphenol A
Ohta R, Ohmukai H, Negura T, Tazura Y, Shindo T
Fundam. Toxicol. Sci., (2017): 4 (1): 15-21
Photosensitizer effects of artifical red cells on dye laser irradiation in an animal model assuming port-wine stain treatment
Rikihisa N1, Watanabe S2, Satoh K3, Saito Y, Sakai H4
Plast. Reconstr. Surg.,(2017): 139 (3):707e-716e
Correlation between luminescence intensity and cytotoxicity, and usefulness of internal control reporter in cytotoxicity assay using luciferase
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Thalidomide-induced limb abnormalities in a humanized CYP3A mouse model
Kazuki Y1,2, Akita M3, Kobayashi K4, Osaki M2,5, Satoh D2, Ohta R, Abe S1, Takehara S2, Kazuki K2, Yamazaki H6, Kamataki T7, Oshimura M2
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安全性試験の教育・研修テキスト第5版, 安全性試験受託研究機関協議会, (2016)
第3章 外科材料・原料の各種評価と試験, 第4節 癒着防止材などで求められる生物学的安全性評価
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皮膚感作性試験ARE-Nrf2 Luciferase Test Method 角化細胞株レポーターアッセイ評価報告書
筒井尚久1, 安達玲子2, 金澤由基子, 小島幸一, 佐藤一博3, 武吉正博4, 森本隆史5
AATEX-JaCVAM, (2016) 5巻, 1号:pp.1-11
眼刺激性試験代替法In Vitro短時間暴露法(Short Time Exposure In Vitro Test Method:STE法)の評価報告書
竹内小苗1, 小坂忠司2, 佐々木正治3, 森村智美, 吉村 功4
AATEX-JaCVAM, (2016) 5巻、1号:pp.12-21
In vivo comet assay of acrylonitrile, 9-aminoacridine hydrochloride monohydrate and ethanol in rats
Nakagawa Y, Toyoizumi T, Sui H, Ohta R, Kumagai F, Usumi K, Saito Y, Yamakage K
Mutat Res Genet Toxicol Environ Mutagen,(2015): 786-788:104-113
JaCVAM-organized international validation study of the in vivo rodent alkaline comet assay for detection of genotoxic carcinogens: I. Summary of pre-validation study results
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Mutat Res Genet Toxicol Environ Mutagen,(2015): 786-788:3-13
Evaluation of in vivo genotoxicity by thioacetamide in a 28-day repeated-dose liver micronucleus assay using male young adult rats
Sui H, Matsumoto H, Wako Y1, Kawasako K1
Mutat Res Genet Toxicol Environ Mutagen, (2015): 780-781:81-84
Evaluation of the repeated-dose liver micronucleus assay with p-dimethylaminoazobenzene
Shimada Y1, Sui H, Wako Y2, Kawasako K2
Mutat Res Genet Toxicol Environ Mutagen, (2015): 780-781:56-59
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ImmunoTox Letter,(2015): 20:2-4
Immunotoxicity of environmental substances with special reference to heavy metals: Toxicological properties and evaluation - Through with developing immunotoxicology of environmental heavy metals
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Modifications of azoxymethane-induced carcinogenesis and 90-day oral toxicities of 2-tetradecylcyclobutanone as a radiolytic product of stearic acid in F344 rats
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J Toxicol Pathol,(2015): 28:99-107
Effects of arachidonic acid intake on inflammatory reactions in dextran sodium sulphateinduced colitis in rats
Naito Y1,2, Ji X1,3, Tachibana S, Aoki S, Furuya M, Tazura Y, Miyazawa D4, Harauma A5, Moriguchi T5, Nagata T, Iwai N1, Ohara N4
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In vitro and in vivo metabolism of N-adamantyl substituted urea-based soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibitors
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皮膚感作性試験Direct Peptide Reactivity Assay(DPRA):ペプチド結合性試験評価報告書
筒井尚久1, 安達玲子2, 金澤由基子, 小島幸一, 佐藤一博3, 武吉正博4, 森本隆史5
AATEX-JaCVAM, (2015) 4巻, 1号:pp.19-29
Tranexamic acid induces kaolin intake stimulating a pathway involving tachykinin neurokinin 1 receptors in rats
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Seeking genes responsible for developmental origins of health and disease from the fetal mouse liver following maternal food restriction
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Congenit Anom Kyoto, 2014; 54: 195-219
Ovarian dysfunction, obesity and pituitary tumors in female mice following neonatal exposure to low-dose diethylstilbestrol
Ohta R, Ohmukai H, Toyoizumi T, Shindo T, Marumo H, Ono H
Reprod. Toxicol., 2014; 50: 145-151
Early to middle gestational exposure to diethylstilbestrol impairs the development of labyrinth zone in mouse placenta
Kagawa N1, Saito Y, Nagao T1
Congenit Anom Kyoto, 2014; 54: 116-119
Trehalose solution protects mesothelium and reduces bowel adhesions
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In vitro and in vivo evaluation of hemocompatibility of silk fibroin based artificial vascular grafts
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Development and performance evaluation of a positive reference material for hemolysis testing
Haishima Y1, Hasegawa C1, Nomura Y1, Kawakami T2, Yuba T3, Shindo T, Sakaguchi K4, Tanigawa T4, Inukai K4, Takenouchi M4, Isama K2, Matsuoka A5, Niimi S1
J. Biomed. Mater. Res. Part B Appl. Biomater., 2014; 102: 1809-1816